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6-G will give 8 thousand times more speed than 5-G!

Several countries around the world have started working on 5-G networks. Although this network has been launched in some countries, it is now being expanded to many countries

The Dhaka Times Desk 4-G network is currently operational in Bangladesh. Meanwhile, several countries around the world have started working on 5-G networks. Although this network has been launched in some countries, it is now being expanded to many countries. China has announced to work with 6G in this situation of 5G. The Ministry of Science and Technology of the country has already started preparatory activities for 6-G. The company has discussed with experts about this fast internet system.

৫-জির চেয়েও ৮ হাজার গুণ বেশি গতি দেবে ৬-জি! 1

4-G network is currently operational in Bangladesh. Meanwhile, several countries around the world have started working on 5-G networks. Although this network has been launched in some countries, it is now being expanded to many countries. China has announced to work with 6G in this situation of 5G. The Ministry of Science and Technology of the country has already started preparatory activities for 6-G. The company has discussed with experts about this fast internet system.

Experts say that the speed of 6-G will be 8 thousand times faster than 5-G! As such 6-G speed will be 1 terabyte per second!

China has two groups for research work on 6-G. One of these is done with executives, who are looking after the work from the ministry. Another group is made up of purely technical people who will do this work.

There are 37 experts in different subjects in two groups. Teachers and researchers from different universities, research institutes, technology companies and other organizations will do the work together.

It has taken China at least 10 years to research and develop 5-G networks. Experts believe that if work on the development of 6-G starts now, it may take at least 2030 years to succeed. However, the world-famous South Korean electronic giant Samsung has announced to work with 6-G before China. They announced to work with 6-G in June last year.

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