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Dog-cheetah friendship in the US zoo!

A strong friendship has developed between dogs and cheetahs!

The Dhaka Times Desk Really understand friendship like this! Two creatures of two polar opposites, but the situation has completely changed due to the development of affinity between them. A strong friendship has developed between dogs and cheetahs! A dog has developed a deep friendship with a resident leopard at the Turtle Back Zoo in New Jersey, USA. The friendship between this cheetah named Nandi and the Labrador retriever named Bowie began when they were only a few weeks old.

যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের চিড়িয়াখানায় কুকুর-চিতার বন্ধুত্ব! 1

Really understand friendship like this! Two creatures of two polar opposites, but the situation has completely changed due to the development of affinity between them. A strong friendship has developed between dogs and cheetahs! A dog has developed a deep friendship with a resident leopard at the Turtle Back Zoo in New Jersey, USA. The friendship between this cheetah named Nandi and the Labrador retriever named Bowie began when they were only a few weeks old.

A recent report aired on American television channel CBS highlighted the friendship story of this wonderful pair.

In this regard, the zoo authorities told the media that the cheetah is very shy by nature. Bowie was kept as a companion to keep Nandi normal in the zoo environment.

Zoo official Charlotte Trapman O'Brain told the media that the dog Bowie is building Nandi's confidence in the zoo environment.

He also said that Bowie was trained to be useful in alleviating Nandi's anxiety. Bowie made sure that Nandi did not get upset under any circumstances. Wherever Nandi goes, Bowie stays with her to keep Nandi normal. Charlotte Trappmann O'Brain says that Nandi also relied heavily on Bowie. Nandi is also always with Bowie in sports and running.

Various pictures of the pair have also spread on social media. Many users have also commented on the pictures spread on social media, praising the friendship of this strange pair.

Zoos in the United States also have a practice of using puppies of the same age to raise cheetah cubs.

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