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Huge house of 4 thousand crore rupees!

Niami has charged a high price to attract buyers to this 100,000 square meter house.

The Dhaka Times Desk America's most luxurious home will soon be up for auction. Producer Neil Niami is going to raise the price of 50 million dollars or about 4 thousand crores!

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However, someone has claimed that Niami has charged a high price to attract buyers to this one lakh square meter house. However, Niami, who once produced Hollywood movies, said that he would not budge from this price. He has already taken a loan of 83.5 million dollars from the bank and he has to repay it by September if he wants to build the house. The construction of this luxurious building is not yet completely finished.

But now it is necessary to know what is in it. This luxury home has a night club, beauty salon, 20 spacious bedrooms. It also has a master suite of 5,500 square feet. Niami initially thought of keeping jellyfish in a glass tank around a bedroom, but later moved away from that plan. The house named 'The One' is built on a hill in Bel Air, Los Angeles, California. From here you can see the breathtaking beauty of the Pacific Ocean and Los Angeles. Not only that, it also has a 45-seat movie theater, as well as several swimming pools and elevators.

The master suite at 'The One' comes with its own swimming pool, office and kitchen. The house consists of several separate buildings. 13 of the 20 bedrooms are in the main building. Whoever lives in this house will have stars like Jennifer Aniston, Elaine Musk as neighbors.

Not much can be said about the house right now, because no outsiders are allowed to enter it yet. But Niami is soon going to open its doors for buyers. Only then will you understand what surprises the creator has hidden up his sleeve. The most expensive house ever sold in America was sold for $13.7 million in 2014 in the Hamptons, New York. That is, the price of 'The One' is almost 4 times higher than that!
