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The secret of low-cost iPhone leaked!

The Dhaka Times Desk By now, everyone must have heard that Apple is bringing low-cost iPhones to the market. It is believed that these low-cost iPhones will be available in the market by the end of this year. However iPhone It has not yet revealed how they are bringing these devices to the market at low prices. Recently, the secret of Apple's low-cost iPhone has been leaked.


Apple Their popular brand iPhone is committed to bringing the common consumer within their purchasing power. Apple, the manufacturer of iPhone, has already announced that they will deliver affordable prices to the general public by the end of this year. In this case, it is possible to reduce the cost of manufacturing these iPhones due to the production of polycarbonate casing instead of metal casing.

Recently, the secret of cheap iPhone has leaked online. According to the leaked information, these low-cost iPhones have various code names such as Zenvo, Zagato, and Bertone.


The Zenvo device has a 4-inch LCD display, dual-core 1.23 GHz processor with H5P process. This processor is made by Samsung. It also has 1GB RAM and 4.0 Bluetooth connectivity.


On the other hand, the Zagato and Bertone devices will be slightly more expensive than the Zenvo. Their processors are made with H6P process technology and it will have 1 GB RAM also these devices will support TDD 4G LTE.


Leaked sources also reveal that the Zenvo device is already ready for mass market release, but it is currently in the electronic test phase before market release. It is expected that Apple will release these low-cost iPhones in the market at the end of this year.

Source: The TechJournal.

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