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17 people have symptoms of corona virus in India

Hundreds of thousands of people who have come to Delhi from China and other countries affected by the corona virus are being tested

The Dhaka Times Desk At least 17 people who came to India from China have been admitted to a hospital in the capital, New Delhi, after contracting the virus. The English daily of India gave this information.

ভারতে ১৭ জনের শরীরে করোনার ভাইরাসের লক্ষণ 1

According to the report, the presence of this virus in the body of 17 people has been confirmed by the officials of the health department of India after the body examination of hundreds of thousands of people who came to Delhi from China and other countries affected by the corona virus. Hundreds of thousands of passengers were screened at the Delhi airport in the middle of last month. At this time, the symptoms of corona were found in the body of those 17 people. Later, the authorities admitted them to a hospital in Delhi.

According to a report published by the Delhi Health Department, from mid-January to February 13 this year, 5,700 passengers arrived at the New Delhi airport from China and other countries affected by the corona virus. It is there that the officials of the health department screen the body of the passengers.

A senior official of the health department told the media, 'Among these passengers, 4 thousand 707 passengers were not found to have any symptoms of corona virus. Still, they have been advised to stay in isolation at home. 17 people were admitted to the hospital as symptoms of corona virus were found in their bodies.

Air passengers from China, Hong Kong, Thailand and Singapore among other countries face screening at the airport upon arrival in India. From last January 17, passengers' body tests were started at various airports in India. Since that time, apart from those 17 people, the presence of corona virus has been found in the body of 4 more people.

The ruling government of India has already set up a central emergency control center to deal with the outbreak of the virus in Wuhan, China. Such centers have been set up in 11 other districts of Delhi.

No one has been found infected with the deadly corona virus that has spread around the world so far in Bangladesh. However, from February 9 to 15, a total of five Bangladeshi expatriates in Singapore were infected with the corona virus, Covid-19.

According to official sources, since the presence of this virus was confirmed in China last December, more than 1500 people have lost their lives in the country. The virus is believed to have originated from a seafood market in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China.

On Friday, another 2,641 people were newly identified as corona infected in the country. That is why the total number of people affected by the corona virus in China has reached 66 thousand 492 people. Outside of mainland China, a total of three people have died from the virus, one each in Hong Kong, the Philippines and Japan. Outside Asia, the number of Chinese tourists has increased to 4 due to the death of a Chinese tourist in the European country of France on Saturday.

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