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Irregular sleep can increase the risk of diseases

There is no substitute for regular sleep to stay healthy. The reason is that sleep removes the fatigue of the whole day

The Dhaka Times Desk We often do not have a sleep routine. Many of us have the habit of sleeping during the day, which is not right at all. Because irregular sleep can increase your risk of disease.

অনিয়মিত ঘুমের কারণে যেসব রোগের ঝুঁকি বাড়াতে পারে 1

There is no substitute for regular sleep to stay healthy. The reason is that sleep removes the fatigue of the whole day. So you have to sleep 6 to 7 hours every night. However, many people have various sleep problems. Sometimes you have to wait for sleep.

The reason is that they do not sleep. Many also take sleeping pills to sleep. However, it is not right to take any medicine without doctor's advice. Excessive dependence on sleeping pills can also be very harmful to our body.

Let's find out which diseases that irregular sleep can increase the risk of:

# can also increase high blood pressure if you don't get enough or too little sleep. According to doctors, without sleep, the body's living organisms cannot function properly. Hormonal balance of the body can also be lost. Because of which can increase high blood pressure and hypertension.

# Lack of sleep can also cause heart problems. During sleep, the heart and blood vessels get a lot of rest. Therefore, if sleep is less, cardiovascular problems will continue to increase. Due to which the heart problem also increases.

# Inadequate sleep also increases the risk of diabetes. Due to lack of sleep or lack of sleep for a long time, insulin production in the body can be disrupted. Hence the risk of diabetes may also increase.

# Basically, sleep is a good way to repair body damage and conserve energy. Therefore, if sleep is less, the immune system of the body is also lost. When we sleep, our body's immune system is responsible for 'living organisms'. But if we do not sleep, these 'living organisms' cannot function at all. Due to which the immune system of our body gradually decreases.

The # brain contains a neurotransmitter called orexin, which helps keep the brain active. If you don't get enough sleep every day, orexin production will slow down, causing the body to become weaker.

# Not getting enough sleep every day can also increase digestive problems. Without sleep, the body's digestive organs cannot function properly. Because of this, the digestive juices that help in digestion of food are hindered in the proper level of secretion.

That is why sleep is very important for us. Almost all our physical activities are highly dependent on sleep. So it is very important for you to sleep at least 6-7 hours every day regularly without any negligence. However, if you have sleep problems, consult your doctor.
