The Dhaka Times Desk There are things that happen in our society that surprise us. Such a wonderful incident happened in Pakistan. There is a mother who has been raising her daughter as a man for a long time! A mother has been raising her own daughter for a long time. This rare incident happened in Pakistan. Farhin is a resident of Lahore. In this fight, he had to dress up as a man, wear clothes like a man - hope.
There are things that happen in our society that surprise us. Such a wonderful incident happened in Pakistan. There is a mother who has been raising her daughter as a man for a long time! A mother has been raising her own daughter for a long time. This rare incident happened in Pakistan. Farhin is a resident of Lahore. In this fight, he had to dress up as a man, wear clothes like a man - hope.
It is known that Farhin runs a shop in Lahore's Anarkali Bazaar. He has a family with his 9-year-old daughter. There is no male breadwinner in the family. Because of which Farhin has to work hard. But working safely as a woman in crowded areas like markets is not an easy task. So Farhin cut her hair short like a man. He wears pants, dressed as a man and sits in the shop every day. After working all day, he returned to the hostel and changed his clothes. Farhin lives in a hostel with his daughter.
Not only that, after doing business in the market all day, Farhin also works as a taxi driver in the evening. In a country like Pakistan where the light of women's freedom is still dim, the phrase 'single mother' is rare and challenging. In the face of that challenge, Farhin, a resident of Lahore, is surviving. Farhin is living his life by pointing the thumb at the male-dominated society. His vow is that this way he will make the girl human like a human being.
This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ১৬, ২০২০ 2:23 pm
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