Categories: Picturesque

Centennial post office location in the ocean!

The Dhaka Times Desk The second largest ocean in the world is the Atlantic Ocean. There are 9 islands right in the middle of it. If you look for it on the map, it will seem that there are scattered grains of rice. Centennial post office location in the ocean!

Actually, if you want to understand how deep the sea is, you can keep it in your head, if you want to go to any country from this island, you have to pay at least 2 thousand miles.

These islands owned by Portugal are collectively called 'Azores Islands'. These islands floating in the surrounding clear water are one of the centers of attraction for the world's travelers. There are natural hot springs, 3 UNESCO-declared biosphere reserves and a world-class whale watching center; Many tourists came from far and wide to be attracted by these things. The number of tourists to this island is increasing day by day, according to the Portuguese government, at least 2 million visitors visited the archipelago in 2019.

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Fayal is one of these islands. 15 thousand people live here. Although it is one of the smaller islands, the lifestyle here is very advanced. Here is Horta, one of the busiest seaports in the archipelago. But what makes this island stand out among visitors is its old pub and post office. The pub named 'Peter's Cafe Sport' is one of the oldest and oldest liquor bars in the world. Enrique Azevedo, a sports fanatic, opened the bar in 1918 after his son. Gradually it became popular as one of the resting places for sailors. Peter's Cafe Sport became one of the attractions for those traveling from America to Europe by sea.

The Azevedo family soon gained a reputation for hospitality to sailors. They also take responsibility for their food and drink as well as meeting all their needs. Along with that, they gave an initiative to look at each other individually. And that is, if anyone wants to leave a message for their loved ones, they take measures. In the letter, only the recipient's name and year should be mentioned. Later, if the loved one goes on that route, they can find the letter. Memorable people can read those letters while sitting in a cafe sipping a drink. The initiative gained popularity within a few days. Some very old letters are stored in the cafe. People still return there looking for their letter of name.

The cafe is currently run by the third generation of entrepreneur Enrique Azevedo. His grandson Jose Enrique opened the registrar's book and showed some very old letters. Among which are letters written in 1928.

Located on a small island 2,000 miles out in the ocean, the cafe was awarded a Golden Post Office Award by the Portuguese Postal Service in 2004. A special stamp was also released in 2018 to celebrate the centenary of the Peter Cafe Sport. Where is the photo of current owner Jose Enrique. Another stamp has a picture of 'Scrimshaw Museum'. Hose's father, Peter, launched the museum in 1980. Basically, various types of paintings painted on whale teeth are displayed here.

The sailors who come to the island mainly do 3 jobs. First they left a painting on the docks of the harbor, believed to be a symbol of good luck. Moreover, they have the 'Peter Cafe Sport' restaurant tradition where sailors leave their yacht or club flags here. Thirdly they also sign the 'Yacht Lock' book kept for the visitors, thank them or express their feelings.

Letter exchange is actually working without any exchange of money Peter Cafe Sport. People's love and friendship are more important to this family than money, they said.

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০, ২০২০ 10:09 am

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