The Dhaka Times
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Indian Censor Board's Objection on 'Bangladesh'

The advertisement is based on the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA).

The Dhaka Times Desk India's Censor Board has ordered the removal of 'Bangladesh' from an advertisement on the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA). Their objection is about the word 'Bangladesh' used in that advertisement.

ভারতীয় সেন্সর বোর্ডের আপত্তি ‘বাংলাদেশ’ নিয়ে 1

Director Sanghamitra Chowdhury applied to the regional office of CBFC in Kolkata on December 27 to get permission for 4 advertisements made by himself regarding CAA. A month later, CBFC issued a notice that the 'Bangladesh' part from the advertisement should be changed as per their specific guidelines. Those advertisements were supposed to be shown on television channels from January this year. However, the director was informed by the Censor Board that the word 'Bangladesh' may have to be removed or 'changed' from that advertisement.

Regarding this, CBFC regional officer Partha Ghosh said, 'CBFC wants to ensure that friendly relations with foreign countries are not lost. That's why recommendations are given as per the guidelines.'

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