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What can happen in the body of a person infected with corona

The head of the World Health Organization (WHO) Health Emergency Program. Maria van Kerkhove says

The Dhaka Times Desk Corona virus is a big fear in the world. The death toll from the deadly coronavirus continues to rise. Awareness of this is important. Know the things that can happen in the body of a person infected with corona.

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Another 121 deaths have been reported due to the outbreak of the Corona virus in China. Meanwhile, 116 people have died in Hubei province. The total death toll in the country stands at 1380. A total of 26 countries in the world have reported cases of this virus. With this, the global death toll has increased to 1483.

Find out today what can happen to the body of a person infected with corona virus?

This virus can cause various respiratory problems. Symptoms appear within 5 to 6 days of infection. Some have no symptoms at all.

The head of the World Health Organization (WHO) Health Emergency Program. Maria van Kerkhove says, 'Difficulty in breathing, sore throat, chills and fever, which eventually lead to pneumonia and eventually death. Many of the affected also have mild symptoms.'

Dr. Maria van Kerkhove said, 'We collected data from 17,000 infected people, and 82 percent of them had very mild symptoms. The symptoms of 15 percent are severe and the condition of 3 percent is absolutely critical.

Fever, cough and pneumonia

# A study published on February 7 in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) conducted on 138 people said that most of the 138 people infected in Wuhan, China, reported fever, fatigue and dry cough. A third of patients also reported muscle pain and difficulty breathing. Another 10 percent developed unusual symptoms, including diarrhea and nausea.

These patients with #, aged between 22 and 92 years, were admitted to Zhongnan Hospital in Wuhan between January 1 and 28. Most of them had mild symptoms. All patients eventually developed pneumonia.

After #, approximately one-third of individuals develop acute respiratory distress requiring admission to a hospital's intensive care unit. The condition of the elderly and those with diabetes, high blood pressure and other diseases is always critical.

# 6 of 138 patients died. That's why the death rate is 4.3 percent, which is higher than other parts of China.

# kills less than 2 percent of the total number of people infected with the virus. But this ratio can change.

How does the disease grow in the body? A timeline of it

A # study in the Journal of the American Medical Association states that shortness of breath begins within 5 days of the onset of symptoms. Severe respiratory problems may occur in about 8 days.

# However, no time frame for death was given or reported in the study.

# A study published on January 29 in the Journal of Medical Virology said that those who died died an average of 14 days after being infected.

# A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine on January 31 showed how the corona virus infection affects the body over time.

# The study reviewed the health data of a 35-year-old patient. who was the first to contract the virus in the United States. His first symptom was dry cough followed by fever.

On the third day of # exposure, he felt ill. On the sixth day he developed diarrhea and stomach discomfort. Later he also felt nauseous and vomited. On the ninth day he developed pneumonia and had difficulty breathing.

# By the twelfth day his condition improved and his fever also subsided. But his cold worsened. On the 14th day he had no symptoms other than a mild cough. He was still hospitalized when this study was published.

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