The Dhaka Times
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Two-wheeled 'inhuman' rickshaws still run in the city of Kolkata!

Many modern vehicles have come through the ages

The Dhaka Times Desk If you really go to the city of Kolkata, you can see two-wheeled rickshaws! You might be wondering why. That's right. One cannot help but wonder. The question is still why this rickshaw?

এখনও কোলকাতা শহরে চলে দুই চাকার ‘অমানবিক’ টানা রিক্সা! 1

Many modern vehicles have come through the ages. From that coal engine came the diesel engine. Even electric engines now. And the speed of these trains or buses is also very high. As fast as a diesel engine can run, an electric engine can run many times faster.

In keeping with the times, people invented airplanes. Again, those airplanes are now beyond all modernity. But still people do not stop. There is no doubt that one after another various inventions have improved the quality of life.

But the two-wheeled rickshaws are still running in the city of Kolkata. They are especially common in the Kolkata New Market area. But the question is why this inhuman pull rickshaw? A man where two men are pulled by a rickshaw. A really inhuman act. Now with the advent of the modern era, pedal rickshaws which are three-wheeled rickshaws. They have also changed a lot. It has been possible to reduce the suffering of the driver by installing electric motor. Although the fact that three-wheeled rickshaws are driven by foot is not necessary now. How are the people of Kolkata using two-wheeled rickshaws? Such a mentality of the people of the city of Kolkata is really strange.

The people of Kolkata are sincere. They also have human values. For example, thousands of people from Bangladesh go to Kolkata every day for sightseeing or treatment. Those who go for treatment are always satisfied with their management. The people of Bangladesh are impressed by the tolerance or treatment towards the patients.

But in spite of all this, the question arises in people's minds about that why they still use two-wheeled rickshaws. Why are they still in the old rules of hundreds of years!

It is our hope that this inhuman act will not be seen again.

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