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Xiaomi now brings an electric toothbrush!

This new electric toothbrush can clean teeth ten times better than a normal toothbrush

The Dhaka Times Desk Chinese technology company Xiaomi has brought a new electric toothbrush. It was launched in the Indian market last Thursday. In 2018, Xiaomi first brought this electric toothbrush to different countries of the world.

শাওমি এবার নিয়ে এলো ইলেকট্রিক টুথব্রাশ! 1

According to a report in the media, the Chinese technology company Xiaomi has brought a new electric toothbrush. It was launched in the Indian market last Thursday. In 2018, Xiaomi first brought this electric toothbrush to different countries of the world.

According to a report in the media, the company claims that this new electric toothbrush can clean teeth ten times more than a normal toothbrush. This new toothbrush has a small electric motor inside. This toothbrush can vibrate 31 thousand times per minute. The new toothbrush also uses special bristles to keep bacteria at bay. The new toothbrush is available on the company's website for Rs 1300.

According to a report in the media, although Xiaomi has not yet announced how much it will cost to buy the 'brush head' of this electric toothbrush. It also has dual-pro brush mode and auto timer. Teeth can be brushed in standard and gentle mode. In auto timer mode the toothbrush will turn off every 30 seconds to remind you to brush the other side.

According to a report in the media, this toothbrush has a magnetic levitation sonic motor. This toothbrush can be charged with USB Type-C. This toothbrush can be charged using any 5-V charger or power bank. The brush has multiple LEDs to indicate battery status. The company claims that the brush can be used for up to 25 days on a single charge.

According to a news report, this new electric toothbrush has IPX-7 water resistant certification. Brushing noise will be only 65 decibels. Special material is used in this brush for strong grip. It will be sold in various stores in the Indian market from next March. It is expected that this new electric toothbrush will be available in Bangladesh soon.

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