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Tea bags can heal sunburned skin

Many of us do not know that this tea bag is very useful in cosmetics

The Dhaka Times Desk After consuming tea we throw away the commonly used tea bags. Many of us do not know that this tea bag is very useful in cosmetics. This tea bag pair is perfect for removing sunburned skin.

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Today let's find out how we can use tea leaves in cosmetics:

# Tea strong liquor is very effective in removing sunburned skin. Soak a towel in the liquor and press it on the skin for a few times. If used in this way, the sunburn spots on the skin will be removed.

# The caffeine present in tea leaves is particularly beneficial in removing dark circles. So the tannin in this tea leaves will remove puffiness of the eyes. Soak a tea bag in water and keep it on the eyes for 10 minutes. If you use it regularly you will get good results.

# This tea liqueur can be used as a toner to clean the face. It specifically helps in keeping the skin clear by removing oiliness. You can mix lemon juice in tea liquor and sprinkle it on the skin.

# Green tea helps to get rid of chapped lips. So take a tea bag and dip the yolk in hot water and squeeze it on your lips. After some time wash it again. Using it like this will benefit you.

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