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What to do if you have a sudden heart attack

The Dhaka Times Desk A sudden heart attack can occur. And when we have a heart attack, we become confused. Can't understand what should be done then. Find out what to do if you have a sudden heart attack today.

A heart attack occurs when the heart pumps blood inadequately and irregularly. The more one knows about the early signs of an attack, the earlier one can be warned. However, if you or someone else has a sudden heart attack, it is possible to avoid unexpected accidents if you follow some rules until you are taken to the hospital.

Common symptoms

# attacks usually start with pain in the left arm. Then it is difficult to breathe.

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# is not guaranteed to cause chest pain.

# should be more careful if there is severe pain in the jaw before the attack.

# may also cause nausea or excessive sweating.

Know what to do in your case

# Don't panic if you have a heart attack.

# can knock unconscious within 10 seconds of attack. In that case, cough very quickly, loudly and frequently within 10 seconds, try to expel phlegm along with the cough.

# Take a long breath before each cough. Keep doing this frequent coughing and sighing every two minutes. By doing this, your heart will circulate blood regularly to some extent. The reason is that due to sighing, oxygen transport in the human body is more. The pressure on the chest caused by frequent and forceful coughing prepares the heart to pump blood adequately and regularly.

If someone else has a heart attack

# Do not allow the person to slouch; Instead, keep talking to him.

# The patient's head should be elevated 30-45 degrees to facilitate breathing.

# Place the patient in a supine position with the palms interlocked and perform Cardiac Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) with full body weight pumping right in the middle of the chest. Breathe in and out with mouth to mouth. Keep pumping like this for 30 times in 16/18 seconds.

# Hold the patient's nose closed and the snout elevated. Pump the chest again. Complete the cycle at least 5 times.

# Take the patient to the nearest hospital as soon as possible to do these.

What treatment will you take?

If one realizes that he is about to have a heart attack, take aspirin 300 mg without delay. Chew the tablet straight away. The reason is that this aspirin can reduce the risk of death from heart attack by 30 percent. There is no harm in consuming it even if there are other ailments.

You can also give nitrate spray or tablets under the tongue. Then take gastric tablets and do an ECG to check blood troponin as a heart attack marker.

The above advice to the media: Professor Dr. SM Mustafa Zaman, Department of Cardiology, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University.

This post was last modified on February 23, 2020 2:59 pm

Staff reporter

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