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Research says: Children get intelligence from their mothers

As the child grows up, little by little intelligence begins to develop

The Dhaka Times Desk A new life coming into the world is undoubtedly a joyful news. When a baby is born, it is immediately followed by acquaintances to see who it really looks like. There are many discussions about eyes, nose, face shape like mother or father.

গবেষণা বলছে: সন্তান বুদ্ধিমত্তা পায় মায়ের কাছ থেকেই 1

And when the child starts to grow up, little by little, the intelligence starts to develop, then everyone says that he has become brilliant like his father or has become intelligent like his mother, etc. etc. In fact, how intelligent the child will be depends on the intelligence of its mother. In this case, the father's intelligence does not play a role at all. However, this is not a fabricated information, it has been proven in research. Scientists have given such information in a recent study.

Researchers at the University of Washington said that the genes that create intelligence in a child's body come from the mother. The 'X' chromosome of the human body contains the intelligence gene. A total of two chromosomes are taken during embryo formation, one each from 'X' and 'X' chromosomes in the female body and one each from the 'X' and 'Y' chromosomes in the male body. Since there are two X chromosomes in females and one in males, intelligence is more likely to pass from mother to child than from father.

In this case, the possibility of getting intelligence from the mother is more, but it is believed that the possibility of getting intelligence from the father also remains. But the new study suggests that the superior cognitive traits that children inherit from fathers are not useful; Their activity is automatically stopped by the human body itself.

There is also a class of special condition genes called 'conditioned genes'. Some of them are active only if they are passed on from the mother. Some are activated only if they are passed on from the father. Scientists believe that the genes that condition a child's intelligence are only passed on from the mother. It becomes active when it enters the body, otherwise it remains inactive.

Corresponding studies are conducted on mice bred under genetic control in the laboratory. The mother's extra genes are used to enlarge their brains. It is also planned to keep their body size small. Mice with an extra father gene have smaller brains and larger bodies.

Scientists have found that the father's and mother's genes are active in 6 different parts of the mouse brain. The father gene works in the body's limbic system. This part is responsible for sex, food and aggressive behavior. Scientists found no father genes in the cerebral cortex. Most of the cognitive functions are carried out in this part. The reason is that philosophy, thinking, language and planning are connected with it. However, research also suggests that genetics is not the only determinant of human intelligence. 40-60 percent of intelligence comes from genetics. The rest comes from the environment.

To verify this in humans, scientists from Glasgow, Scotland, UK, have been interviewing 14 to 22-year-olds every year since 1994. In this way, they took a total of 12 thousand 686 people.

Taking into account various characteristics and limitations including educational qualification, caste, race, socio-economic status, the test shows that the intelligence of the participants is most likely to come from their mother's intelligence. Based on Ekushey Television.

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