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Dighir is about to debut as a heroine

Dighi said, 'I have been getting offers to become a heroine since ninth grade. I did not pay attention to this only because of studies

The Dhaka Times Desk Dighi, who gained popularity by acting as a child artist in Bengali films, is now coming as a heroine. This is what he told the media.

নায়িকা হিসেবে অভিষেক হতে চলেছে দীঘির 1

Dighi told the media, 'I have been getting offers to become a heroine since ninth grade. I did not pay attention to this only because of studies. Now father said, I can work after the exam. Now the test is over. So getting ready for work.'

Dighi acted in 36 films in just 6 years, most of which were successful films. Dighi also won the National Film Award as a child actor for his performances in the films 'Kabuliwala' in 2006, 'Chachchu Amar Chachchu' in 2010 and 'Ek Tucker Bou' in 2012.

The once small Dighi has now grown up. Getting offers to become heroines regularly. Dighi is studying in college after crossing the school barrier. Dighi is thinking of acting in movies, according to his father's condition. He has already received dozens of movie scripts.

Dighi also said, 'I will act regularly in movies - that plan is already there. I have several movie scripts in my hand. I will choose from them which movie I will act in first. Because this is my first work as a heroine. Everyone remembers the first work of the little Dighi, the first work of the big Dighi is well remembered. The audience will see me as the heroine of a good movie.'

When asked when the heroine Dighi will stand in front of the camera, Dighi replied, 'I can't say the exact time yet. But I can say that - very soon.'

Dighi gained huge popularity by acting in the film 'Chachchu Amar Chachchu' with Manowar Hossain Dipzal. In 2011, Dighi's mother Naika Doyal died. Then Dighi went behind. Focused on education.

About her entry into Dighi films, her father, actor Subrata, said that she wanted to act in films like her mother. Dighi also wants to work in commercials. Said to work regularly after SSC pass. But his mother's dream was to make him a doctor. I want that too. May that dream come true. Dighi will also act as well.

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