The Dhaka Times
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Use of Amalaki to brighten the skin

Amalaki contains vitamins C and E

The Dhaka Times Desk We have no end of worries about the skin. There's no telling when smooth skin loses its glow. So it is necessary to take care of the skin in time. Find out today about the use of amalaki to brighten the skin.

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Amalaki is very useful to keep the skin glowing. Amalaki contains vitamins C and E. Amalaki helps in brightening the skin by reducing the dullness of the skin.

The health section of lifestyle website Boldsky has given a report on how to use Amalaki to lighten skin. It details how this amalki can be used to brighten the skin.

What are the ingredients in it?

# 2 tbsp Amalki powder.

# 1 teaspoon honey

# 1 tablespoon lemon juice

Honey is especially helpful in skin tissue regeneration and lemon acts as a bleaching agent for the body.

How to use it

# First take amlaki powder and honey in a bowl and mix it.

# Now mix lemon in it and make a good paste.

# Now apply this mask on face and neck.

# Wash it off with lukewarm water after 15 to 20 minutes.

The report mentions that using this mask at least once a week for # will work to brighten the skin.

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