The government is now giving an opportunity to fly drones

The Dhaka Times Desk In addition to research, survey, film making, still photography, development project feasibility studies, the current government is going to allow flying drones for entertainment.

It has been informed that permission will not be required to fly drones weighing less than 7 kg at a height of less than 50 feet outside three kilometers of airports and key installations (KPI) and at a height of less than 100 feet outside of three and a half kilometers.

In other cases drones should be flown only with the permission of the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). The approval of the Ministry of Defense should also be taken for the import of drones weighing more than 7 kg.

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Keeping these rules in mind, the Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism has prepared a draft of 'Drone Registration and Flight Policy' and has taken the views of stakeholders on it.

The Ministry's Joint Secretary (Civil Aviation) Janendra Nath Sarkar said, “The draft will be finalized in a meeting next week, after which it will be sent to the Cabinet. If the Cabinet approves, the gazette will be issued from the Ministry.”

The draft states that agriculture, agricultural development, meteorological data collection; Drones are used worldwide for environmental and crop monitoring, mosquito and pesticide spraying, survey imaging, film production, research activities, security monitoring.

In Bangladesh, the use of drones is constantly increasing in private, public, private, military and civilian levels. Also, its use is increasing day by day in state security and internal law enforcement.

"Despite the increase in the use of drones, the import, use and flight of drones in Bangladesh is currently very limited and strictly controlled to prevent the misuse of this technology for unethical, illegal or terrorist activities such as breach of personal or state privacy and security and loss of public and state assets."

The draft policy divides drones into four categories based on their use:

Class A : Recreational use.

Class B: Government, non-governmental organizations or private use for non-commercial purposes such as education and research.

Class C: Commercial and professional use such as surveys, still images, film production, feasibility studies of development projects.

Class D: State and military use.

The drone operation zone has been further divided into three zones, taking into account the safety, security and privacy of aircraft and the public.

Green Zone: No permission to fly drones at a height of less than 50 feet outside three kilometers of airports and key installations (KPIs) and below 100 feet outside of three and a half kilometers. This is the green zone.

Yellow Zone: No-entry areas, military areas, densely populated areas and narrow areas where drones must be operated with permission.

Red Zone: Special permission must be taken to operate drones in restricted areas, dangerous areas, airports, KPIs and special KPIs.

Anyone can fly a drone for fun. But in other cases, the age to operate the drone should be at least 18 years and in that case the educational qualification should be minimum SSC.

Mentioning that drones should be imported in accordance with the government's import policy and the Ministry of Commerce, the draft says, in the case of drones weighing more than 7 kg (including payload) for categories 'A', 'B', 'C', the defense must specify the detailed specifications and number of drones before import. The ministry's no-objection letter should be taken. Drones must be imported within 6 months of receiving this no-objection letter.

To fly category 'B' and 'C' drones, one has to apply in the prescribed form of the Civil Aviation Authority (BABICHAK) and obtain an identification number along with registration.

However, if the category 'A' drone is capable of flying at a height of more than 100 feet or weighs more than 7 kg (including payload), the registration of that drone will also be mandatory.

When the policy goes into effect, Bevichak will have to store the registration and identification number of each drone. This registration and identification number must be written on the registered drone in such a way that it can be easily seen.

Restrictions on flying drones

# খোলা জায়গায় যে কোনো ড্রোন ওড়ানের আগে ওই এলাকার ৫ কিলোমিটারের মধ্যে কোনো ‘ভিভিআইপি মুভমেন্ট’ রয়েছে কি না, তা নিজ দায়িত্বে জেনে নিতে হবে। ভিভিআইপি মুভমেন্টের তারিখের তিন ঘণ্টা আগে হতে ভিভিআইপি ‍মুভমেন্ট শেষ না হওয়া পর্যন্ত ড্রোন ওড়ানো যাবে না।

# During meetings, gatherings and national, international games or events in open spaces, no drones other than drones authorized for that event shall be flown within 5 km.

The drone operator must always carry the copy of authorization and the mobile SIM with which the drone is registered while flying the # drone. The authorities will have to show it.

# Drones may not be flown in situations where infrastructure, vegetation, crops, people and vehicles obstruct or threaten the location or movement of air traffic.

# Drones should be flown at least 30 meters away from public places, traffic areas, markets or commercial areas, residential areas or buildings and office courts. However, in special cases, drones can be flown in those areas with the permission of the concerned police station or local administration and Bebichak.

# The approval of KPI or special KPI related committee is required for drone operation within 3 km of KPI or special KPI other than airport. To operate a drone within 5 km of the airport, approval must be obtained from the airport authorities.

# A person working in a foreign mission in Bangladesh or wishing to fly a diplomatic drone must apply through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In the interest of state, public safety, personal or state privacy, safety of any type of property including flight safety and civil aviation, Bebichak can also cancel the registration of the drone.

If Nimoy does not obey

The draft policy states that flying drones without registration or without following the rules will be punished according to the prevailing laws of the country.

“Drone operators and employers of operators will be held liable for any damage to public property and state assets or breach of privacy caused by drone operations and will be punished according to existing laws.

"Operators who fly unauthorized drones in violation of this policy or the terms of the Code of Conduct, violate state security, privacy, public safety, personal safety or privacy, and the safety and security of aviation shall be punished in accordance with the applicable laws of the land."

Public and animal lives due to drone flying; The draft policy also states that individuals or institutions responsible for alleged damage to public property and privacy and state secrets and property will be prosecuted and punished under existing laws and will be liable to pay monetary compensation.

This post was last modified on মার্চ ১, ২০২০ 1:29 pm

Staff reporter

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