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Prepare yourself against Corona virus

The Dhaka Times Desk The deadly corona virus is spreading very fast in the world. More than 3,000 people died in China in just a few days. Another 80 thousand are affected. This virus has spread in at least 60 countries of the world. Prepare yourself against the corona virus.

There are reports of this disease in different countries of the world. No one has been reported to be infected with this disease in our country yet. But there is no way to rest assured. Rather, we should be alerted about its outbreak.

It will not help you to panic about the corona virus. This is an important point to be aware of as most coronavirus cases are mild and flu-like. The news that many of the infected have recovered is also comforting.

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Zhao Jianping, who works on the coronavirus containment team, said there are a small number of patients who tested negative the first time and then tested positive again.

Patients who have two consecutive negative tests without visible symptoms are declared free of the coronavirus. But they are asked to retest, which may come back positive.

So what should you do to get rid of it?

According to experts, everyone should follow the following hygiene steps to protect themselves:

Stay away from # if infected.

# Keep hands clean at all times. Wash hands thoroughly with handwash before and after returning from outside or eating.

# Ask everyone to cough, sneeze, wipe with a tissue and cover the mouth when sneezing. Do this yourself.

# Educate everyone in the family about this disease and its cure.

# Maybe you like to travel? However, if you have plans to travel during this time, cancel it.

China has millions of people under lockdown and the virus is spreading all over the world. According to Zhao's recent statement, 'Hubei has already passed the most difficult period of the spread of the coronavirus. But we need to be more vigilant, because if we relax the current measures too much, the number of infected people may increase.'

This post was last modified on মার্চ ৩, ২০২০ 5:11 pm

Staff reporter

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