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Pollution has decreased due to the corona virus in China!

Nitrogen dioxide levels have come down a lot this year

The Dhaka Times Desk NASA said nitrogen dioxide levels in China were significantly lower in February than in January. All in all, it is almost certain that pollution has decreased in China due to the corona virus!

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According to media reports, pollution levels in China have come down dramatically. The US space agency NASA has said that the slowdown of the economy due to the corona virus is partially true, but it has also had an impact. The NASA map shows that nitrogen dioxide levels have dropped significantly this year.

According to a BBC report, this news came after the authorities shut down the activities of factories in China to control the spread of the corona virus. About 80,000 people have been infected in China since the outbreak began. Although the infection has spread to nearly 60 countries around the world, most infections and deaths have occurred in China, where the outbreak originated late last year (December).

Nasa scientists say that unhealthy nitrogen dioxide gas is emitted mainly from motor vehicles and industrial plants. The downward trend in gas levels was first seen in the city of Wuhan in Hubei province, the epicenter of the outbreak. But after that, the same picture emerged across the country.

How the pollution level in Wuhan city has decreased compared to the same period last year - NASA has published images

NASA compared the image of the first two months of 2019 with the image of the first two months of this year. The space agency noted that the decrease in air pollution levels coincides with China's restrictions on transportation and business activities. Also during that time millions of people went into quarantine.

Fei Liu has been working on air quality at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center for a long time. He said, 'This is the first time I have seen that pollution has dropped so dramatically over such a large area around a single event.'

He also said that during the 2008 recession, he also saw a decrease in nitrogen dioxide, but at a much slower rate.

According to NASA, in the past there have been precedents for reducing pollution levels during the Chinese Lunar New Year celebrations, i.e. late January and early February. But after the celebration ends, the level rises again.

Liu added, 'This year's decline compared to last year is quite noticeable and has been sustained for a long time. I'm not surprised because many cities have taken various measures to prevent the spread of the virus.'

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