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Army officer dies while trying to save dog

While rescuing the other dog inside the house, the army officer suffered 90 percent burns

The Dhaka Times Desk An Indian Army officer died trying to save his dog from a fire in Gulmarg area of Jammu and Kashmir's Baramulla district. This accident happened recently.

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According to a report by the Indian media NDTV, while rescuing the other dog inside the house, 90 percent of its body was burned and it died on the spot.

The NDTV report also said that the house of the army officer named Major Ankit Budharaja caught fire that night. At that time Major Ankit's wife and a dog came out of the house. But another dog of Major Ankit got trapped in that house.

Almost 90 percent of Major Ankit's body got burnt while trying to save it. Firefighters later brought the fire under control. Major Ankit Budhraja was posted at Gulmarg SSTC Signal Corps of Indian Army. However, what happened to the dog in the end was not mentioned in the media.

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