The Dhaka Times Desk Go to Queen Mainamati Palace of Comilla. You will get to know a lot about history and traditions when you visit here.
কুমিল্লা জেলার বুড়িচং উপজেলায় (কুমিল্লা-সিলেট মহাসড়কের পূর্ব পাশে) ময়নামতি ওয়ার সিমেট্রি হতে মাত্র ৩ কিলোমিটার দূরে সৌন্দর্যমন্ডিত রানী ময়নামতির প্রাসাদটি অবস্থিত। দশম শতাব্দীতে চন্দ্র বংশীয় রাজা মানিক চন্দ্রের স্ত্রী ময়নামতির আরাম আয়েশের জন্যই এই প্রাসাদটি নির্মাণ করেন। ধারণা করা হয় যে, ময়নামতি ইউনিয়নের প্রত্নতাত্ত্বিক এই নিদর্শনটি ৮ম হতে ১২শ’ শতকের এক প্রাচীন কীর্তি হিসেবে দেখা হয়।
The palace of Rani Mainamati is situated on the top of an isolated hill at a height of 15.24 meters above the plain at the northern end of the Lalmai-Mainamati Hills, covering an area of 10 acres (approx.).
According to locals, the site also contained a cruciform temple, which was later renovated to form an east-facing temple of progressively smaller size in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th centuries. The palace was discovered in 1988 by excavating a tunnel 3 meters below ground level. Also, 4 structures of construction period, 510 feet length and 500 feet volume of enclosure wall, terracotta plaques, valuable artefacts and decorated bricks were also discovered from here. Every year on the 7th of Baisakh, a month-long Baisakhi fair is organized here by Sanatan religious people. Many visitors from far and wide flock to this fair.
To visit Rani Mainamati's palace, you have to come to Comilla city first. You can go to Comilla by train or bus from Dhaka. Comilla can be reached from Kamalapur Railway Station by Chittagong-bound Prabhati/Godhuli, Coastal Express, Turna and Paharika Express trains.
You can go to Comilla from Dhaka by non-AC or AC buses like Royal Coach, Asia Aircon, Asia Line, BRTC, Prince, Trisha from Sayedabad Bus Terminal or Kamalapur Bus Stand of the capital. Comilla can also be reached by different buses going to Chittagong or Feni. The fare will be Tk 170 to Tk 300 depending on the bus. You can go to Rani Mainamati Palace located near Mainamati Sahib Bazar area by bus from Kotbari Bishwa Road or Comilla Cantonment Gate in Comilla by auto rickshaw.
Comilla also has a variety of quality hotels in the Kandirpar, Shimanagacha and Station Road areas. Among them Hotel Sonali, Amania Rest House, Hotel Victoria Residential, Hotel Dream Land, Hotel Melody, Masum Rest House, Hotel Noor is one of the residential hotels.
On the way to Rani Mainamati Palace, there are several restaurants where you can go for food like Zamzam Hotel, Miami Resort, Hawk Inn Restaurant and PC Restaurant. Moreover, Comilla city has numerous restaurants of various quality including Irish Hill Highway Hotel, Jhal Bangla Restaurant, Saudia Hotel, Hotel Mainamati, Anwar Hotel, Ujan Highway, Saqib Hotel and Liza Hotel. But of course you must not forget to taste the famous rasmalai and rasgolla of Matri Bhandar in Manoharpur, Comilla, Peda of Bhagwati, Malai Chop of Mithai and Malaikari of Matribhoomi.
Other places to visit in Comilla include Shalban Vihar, Mainamati War Cemetery, Anand Vihar and Bard. You can also visit them if you want.
Image and information:
This post was last modified on মার্চ ৪, ২০২০ 4:55 pm
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