The Dhaka Times Desk We have probably never seen the news of a jail-fine for eating ice cream. But this time such an incident happened. And this incident happened in the United States.
We have probably never seen the news of a jail-fine for eating ice cream. But this time such an incident happened. And this incident happened in the United States.
It is known that a court in the country jailed and fined a young man for licking ice cream in the United States. The incident happened at a Walmart store in Port Arthur, about 145 kilometers east of Houston, Texas.
The name of the young man who was sentenced in the court is D'Audreen Anderson. The young man licked the ice cream from the department store and put it back. A video of the incident from August last year also went viral on social media. Then the police started investigating the incident.
In the video, a young man takes out a large packet of ice cream from the department store's fridge and licks it. Then eat some with your fingers and put it back in the fridge.
When the video went viral on social media, there was a stir among local residents. And then the police started investigating. At one point, the police found the young man.
The young man and his father showed a receipt claiming that they had bought the ice cream. Although it was put back in the fridge for video recording, they later took it to the counter and bought it.
However, the ice cream company removed all the packets and boxes from the fridge. The company also claimed that they have suffered a loss of 1,565 dollars for this.
বিবিসি’র এক প্রতিবেদনে আরও বলা হয়, আদালত অ্যান্ডারসনকে এক মাসের জেল ও এক হাজার মার্কিন ডলার জরিমানা করেছেন। সেই ডলার ক্ষতিপূরণ হিসেবে দেওয়া হবে ওই আইসক্রিম কোম্পানিকে।
This post was last modified on মার্চ ৯, ২০২০ 10:03 am
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