The Dhaka Times
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The village that men are forbidden to enter and live!

The village is mainly run by women

The Dhaka Times Desk A village has been found which is mainly run by women and men are completely forbidden to enter and live in that village! Last March 8 was International Women's Day. On Women's Day, a village in Kenya came to the fore. The village name is Umoja. It is far from men living in this village, it is forbidden to enter there! But why such a strange rule has been introduced in this village? So let's find out about that.

যে গ্রামে পুরুষের প্রবেশ এবং বসবাস নিষিদ্ধ! 1

A village has been found which is mainly run by women and men are completely forbidden to enter and live in that village! Last March 8 was International Women's Day. On Women's Day, a village in Kenya came to the fore. The village name is Umoja. It is far from men living in this village, it is forbidden to enter there! But why such a strange rule has been introduced in this village? So let's find out about that.

It is known that this village was established in 1990 by the initiative of 15 raped women. Those 15 women started living together in this village. Later, women from the surrounding areas and victims of social and family violence also came to live here. In 2015, the number of women living in this village stood at 47.

It is known that every woman of this village is self-reliant. All the members of this village are mainly involved in small scale and cottage industries. The jewelry made by the women of this village is now very popular all over the world. Thousands of tourists from home and abroad flock to this Umoja village. They flock here to see these confident, self-reliant women. These women also pour the little money they get from the entry fee from the tourists into the development of the village.

যে গ্রামে পুরুষের প্রবেশ এবং বসবাস নিষিদ্ধ! 2

The responsibilities of managing this village change every year. Every year 2 representatives get the responsibility of managing the village. Currently 400 people including children are living in this village. These women of the village bear all the burden of running the family from the responsibility of education of the children. As an exception on International Women's Day, the residents of Umoja village are showing the way to millions of oppressed and underprivileged women around the world.

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