
Excursion: Visit Pratappur Zamindar House in Daganbhooman, Feni

The Dhaka Times Desk If you want to visit, you should go to historical places. Then knowledge about history and tradition can be derived. So visit Pratappur zamindar house in Daganbhuna of Feni.

If you want to visit, you should go to historical places. Then knowledge about history and tradition can be derived. So visit Pratappur zamindar house in Daganbhuna of Feni.

Pratappur Zamindar House is a historical house located in Pratappur village of Purvachandrapur union of Daganbhuyan upazila of Feni district. At that time the position of Pratappur zamindars was at the top of all in that region.

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It is known from various sources that between 1850 and 1860, zamindar Rajkrinch Saha built this magnificent zamindar house on the 800th century land. Zamindar Rajkrinch Saha had 5 children living in 5 two-storey buildings. This zamindar house has a total of 13 fish farming ponds, 5 ponds also have shaanbandhano ghat for the wife of the house. At that time the zamindars of the surrounding area used to stay at the Pratappur zamindar house during their tour breaks. According to historical sources, the administration of the area was conducted from this house.

Pratappur Zamindar Bari Pratappur village and its surrounding areas are also known by various names like Rajbari, Big Bari etc. Every year in the month of Baisakh, traditional devotees celebrate a three-day festival in this zamindar house. Next to the zamindar house is Pratappur High School built by the zamindars.

how to go

By train from Dhaka, Feni can be found in front of the railway station by easybike, CNG or city bus service and come to Mohipal bus stand. Feni can actually get down to Mohipal by bus from Dhaka. From Mohipal bus stand, you have to take Noakhali-bound Sugandha King Bus to Seberhat Bazar for a fare of Tk 20-25. CNG will be available to go to Pratappur market from Seberhat market under Noakhali district. The location of Pratappur Zamindar house is right next to Pratappur market.

where will you stay

Residential hotels in Feni include Hotel Ghazi International and Hotel Midnight. You can also stay overnight at LGED Rest House, Water Development Board Rest House, Zila Parishad Dak Bungalow and Palli Vidyu Samiti Rest House with permission.


This post was last modified on মার্চ ১০, ২০২০ 2:08 pm

Staff reporter

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