Categories: international news

The rapid rate of corona infection has been declared a global pandemic

The Dhaka Times Desk Beyond China, the deadly corona virus has spread its paws all over the world. The virus has spread to Asia, Europe and even North and Latin America. The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared a global pandemic due to the rapid rate of corona infection.

Around four and a half thousand people have died in the whole world due to corona virus. The number of infected has crossed 1 lakh. The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the disease caused by the corona virus (Covid-19) as a global pandemic.

Worryingly, the virus that first spread from Wuhan, China is now showing its dominance across the world. However, the Chinese administration has struggled to prevent the spread of this deadly virus in wartime conditions. That is why the situation in Wuhan is gradually normalizing. The number of infected is slowly decreasing there. However, in Italy and Iran, the death toll from this deadly virus is increasing.

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The World Health Organization has said that these two countries have been hit the hardest by the corona virus after China. The WHO has expressed fears that the rest of the world may soon see this horror.

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director general of the organization, said yesterday (Wednesday), 'The rapid increase in infections and the disorganization seem to increase the concern. So it can be said that COVID-19 has become a global pandemic. But that doesn't mean to give up hope. Rather, his hope is that if all countries try, they can stop the spread of this deadly virus. Every country is urged to take urgent action as soon as possible. Stronger measures have also been suggested. Alarm bells have also been sounded. Loud and very clear.'

Now the question is what is a global epidemic? When a disease or infection spreads globally at a rapid rate, it is called a global pandemic. Everything depends on the geographical spread of such an epidemic.

According to the World Health Organization, the infection of this deadly virus has spread to 114 countries in the world so far. 4,291 people died. 1 lakh 18 thousand people have been affected by this virus.

This post was last modified on মার্চ ১২, ২০২০ 12:16 pm

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