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All travel bans on Lebanon's 11 countries

These countries are China, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Iran, South Korea, United Kingdom, Iraq, Egypt and Syria

The Dhaka Times Desk The Middle Eastern country of Lebanon has imposed a travel ban on 11 countries to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus. No citizen from these countries can enter Lebanon and at the same time Lebanese citizens cannot travel to these countries. These countries are China, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Iran, South Korea, United Kingdom, Iraq, Egypt, and Syria.

লেবাননের ১১ দেশের ওপর সব ধরনের ভ্রমণ নিষেধাজ্ঞা 1

The Middle Eastern country of Lebanon has imposed a travel ban on 11 countries to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus. No citizen from these countries can enter Lebanon and at the same time Lebanese citizens cannot travel to these countries. These countries are China, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Iran, South Korea, United Kingdom, Iraq, Egypt, and Syria.

The Lebanese authorities imposed immediate sanctions on Italy, Iran, China and South Korea. On the other hand, Lebanese citizens and their family members staying in Germany, France, Spain, United Kingdom, Iraq, Egypt and Syria have been given a 4-day period.

They should return home within this period. The country's Prime Minister Hassan Diab issued a ban on 11 countries in an announcement on Wednesday. Travel by land, sea and air will fall under this ban. Last Sunday, the second death due to Corona occurred in the country. So far 61 people have been affected by this virus in the country.

At the end of last February, a woman who came from Iran was diagnosed with corona virus. This is the first case of corona infection in Lebanon. However, it is also reported that the woman has already recovered. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Diab called on the local authorities to stop the gathering.

Various nightclubs, bars, exhibition centers have already been ordered to close. Also, all schools and colleges are closed in the country since the beginning of this month.

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