The Dhaka Times Desk Recently actress and director Meher Afroz Shaon went to New York for personal work. He returned home on March 16 after work. He is in quarantine to avoid the risk of corona virus after coming to the country.
Shaun said this himself through a post on his Facebook page on March 17. In it he wrote, 'I went to America to participate in a book fair promised long ago. Even though there was an outbreak in Washington, New York was still not exposed to the corona virus. After the spread of the virus, warning messages were issued in different states of America. Then I did not leave the house at all. The press conference of the Humayun Ahmed Literary and Cultural Conference 2020 to be held in New York on May 30, 31 this year has been canceled and the date of the main program has been postponed with immediate effect. I was watching the news every moment and I was wondering if I can return to the two children?
By the infinite grace of the Most Merciful, I returned home yesterday. Although it is good to see the precautionary health situation at Dhaka Airport, the behavior of Middle Eastern passengers taking Paracetamol or Panadol in bulk on the return flight from Dubai, 'they will be stuck in the machine if they don't have a fever' is very alarming to me!
Everyone is in an unknown fear of the word 'quarantine'. 'If only 14 days of separation are followed, the other members of the family will be free from the risk of corona virus infection' - I tried to explain this to 4/5 people and failed completely. But I made up my mind a day before I left New York. I talked to my father and mother - they both agreed. They explained to both Ninit and Nishad. The two sons also accepted the matter beautifully.'
He has taken a cautious position in his home and also writes, 'I am isolated from everyone (I am also very afraid of the word home quarantine!) at my Dhanmondi home since yesterday. I spend hours on video calls with my sons at my mother's house. After returning home last night, my neighbor Swarna Bhabhi wanted to hug me and congratulate her, I also forbade her. He understood and gave me food standing 3/4 hand away. The door to my house in South Hawaii is locked for the first time!
i am fine I have no fever, cough, stomach ache. For now, I am also making a list of what to do for the next 13 and a half days (of course, half a day has already passed).
1. rest
2. rest
3. See the news of the world's corona situation
4. rest
5. Watch the news of Bangladesh
6. Rest again
7. Netflix
8. Netflix
9. Netflix
10. rest
11. Facebook scrolling
12. Video call chat
13. Try writing a little.
At the end of the status, the wife of famous fiction writer Humayun Ahmed wrote to everyone, 'If you want, you can also add something to this list. Everyone will try to be good. You will also be aware of others.'