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Who spread the corona virus - China, the United States or Britain?

The whole world is paralyzed by the corona virus

The Dhaka Times Desk The whole world is paralyzed by the corona virus. What may not have happened in the history of the world has happened this time. Religious places of worship have been closed in many countries! The question is who spread the corona virus - China, the United States or Britain?

করোনা ভাইরাস কে ছড়ালো - চীন, যুক্তরাষ্ট্র নাকি ব্রিটেন? 1

Now the big question is who spread the corona virus - USA, China or Britain? Did it actually enter the human body from an animal body or was it purposely spread from a biological weapons laboratory? That question has arisen. As the infection spreads, so do conspiracy theories.

Not only social media is advocating these conspiracy theories, some mainstream media in some countries are also promoting these theories.

These conspiracy theories are coming mainly from the US, Russia, China and Iran. Although the governments of these countries are not directly behind these, they have appeared in the media and in the words of some people associated with the government.

So who is suspecting whom?

Doubts are directed at the United States from within China and Iran.

Inside China, people are furiously writing and sharing on social media that the US has spread the virus in China as a biological weapon to control China.

Not only social media, but a Chinese diplomat in a post on his Twitter account also directly indicated that the virus was spread by a team of US soldiers who came to Wuhan to participate in a sports competition in October last year.

Zhao Lijian, a spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, also posted on Twitter a video clip of a March 11 hearing of Robert Redfield, head of the country's Centers for Disease Control (CDC), before a US congressional committee. In the footage, Redfield also talks about some influenza-related deaths in the United States that tests have shown to be caused by Covid-19.

Although Mr. Redfield did not say when the deaths occurred, the Chinese diplomat posted the video clip on Twitter, writing, “CDC caught. When was the first patient to die in the United States? How many people were infected? And which hospital? Maybe it was the US troops who brought the virus to Wuhan….be clear. Tell people the truth. We want an explanation from the United States.”

Zhao's tweet was also broadcast on Chinese state-controlled TV CCTV. This news is also printed in Global Times.

Moreover, several scientists from inside China continue to say that although the corona virus epidemic started in China, this virus did not actually originate in China.

Iran points the finger at America

In addition to China, there is widespread belief in Iran that this virus was created by the United States. Even the commander of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, Major General Hossein Salami, directly stated that the Corona virus is a biological weapon created by the United States.

On March 5 J. Salami said the United States launched "this terrorist attack of biological weapons" first against China and then against Iran.

The very next day, an influential member of Iran's National Security Committee, Heshmatullah Fatalhatpish, commented that "Trump and Pompeo are lying about the corona is not a common disease, it is a biological weapon attack against Iran and China."

Question about Russia's role

Apart from social media from within Russia, these accusations of China and Iran are being vigorously promoted in various media related to the Russian government.

A leaked European Union report said an EU monitoring team had found 80 pieces of evidence in a two-month investigation up to March 16 that media close to the Kremlin were spreading disinformation about the coronavirus. Britain is also being blamed for spreading the virus in various Russian media.

Government-backed Sputnik radio aired a program suggesting Britain may have carried out the attack to force China to open its markets after Brexit.

In a popular Russian TV talk show (The Big Game), a Russian microbiologist named Igor Nikulin said that Britain has developed this corona 'weapon'.

He added, "A laboratory in (Britain's) Porton Down has been developing various biological and chemical weapons for a long time." However, the Russian government has claimed that they have nothing to do with these statements.

America's arrow towards China

There are many conspiracy theories about Corona virus spread inside America. US President Donald Trump himself keeps saying that the corona virus is the work of China, they are responsible for it.

M: Many people who are known as Trump supporters are openly saying that the corona virus is basically a biological weapon made by China.

Joan Wright, a Republican running for Congress from California, tweeted that "this coronavirus was created in a Wuhan laboratory, and Bill Gates helped the Chinese in that research."

However, he later deleted that tweet in the face of criticism.

Meanwhile, there is no end to conspiracy theories about the corona virus on various social media sites of the extreme right wing of America.

Concerned about the situation, a group of scientists made a statement in the medical journal Lancet in which they said, “This corona virus has spread from the body of animals. Conspiracy theories will only spread fear, rumors and hatred that will further undermine international cooperation in dealing with this crisis."

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