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All mosques and churches in Egypt have been closed

The decision will remain in effect for at least the next two weeks, according to a Reuters report

The Dhaka Times Desk Egypt's Ministry of Religion has ordered the closure of all mosques, churches and religious prayer gatherings from Saturday to prevent the spread of the deadly coronavirus. However, the Azan will continue to be preached on the microphone of the mosque.

মিশরে সব মসজিদ গির্জা বন্ধ ঘোষণা করা হলো 1

The decision will remain in effect for at least the next two weeks, according to a Reuters report. According to the statement of the ministry, such initiative has been taken to avoid large gatherings for prayers and religious events. Because there is a great danger of spreading the Covid-19 virus.

The ministry said that it has been decided to close all the mosques. It is said that it will continue for the next two weeks starting today.

The government has advised the worshipers to pray at home. In the directive, the Coptic Orthodox Church said it ordered the closure of all churches and the suspension of religious services.

So far 294 people have been infected with the corona virus in Egypt. At least 10 people died.

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