Categories: Picturesque

The price of shoes made of chicken feet is 12 thousand taka!

The Dhaka Times Desk Now the shoes are made of chicken skin. Which you can easily walk around. These shoes are very durable and affordable!

A 25-year-old man named Nurman Fariaka Ramdhani made and sold such shoes in Bandung, Indonesia. According to him, these shoes made of chicken feet are very comfortable and durable.

From 2017, Ramdhani's father first tried to make shoes using chicken feet. Then he was successful. From then on, the young man got down to work by adding more innovations to his father's invention. He said that the skin of the chicken feet is similar to the skin of a snake or a crocodile. That is why it is possible to make shoes from the skin of chicken feet.

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At first Ramdhani and his father made shoes but increased sales and now they have five more employees. It takes at least 10 days to make a pair of chicken feet leather shoes. The workers also skinned the chicken legs according to the rules and then hand stitched them and dyed them.

A total of 45 chicken foot skins are required to make one such pair of shoes. A pair of shoes costs from 35 to 140 dollars. Ramdhani said that this style of shoes is very popular in the world. We have scoped it out.

How does he collect so many chicken legs? In response to this question, Ramdhani said that he collects abandoned chicken legs from various fast food shops, restaurants or markets. You will notice that two chicken legs are discarded as inedible. We are collecting and using them.

A 2018 study by the Boston Consulting Group predicts that by 2030, food waste in the world is likely to increase by nearly a third to more than two billion tons. At such a time, if youths like Ramdhani manage to get employment by using these things, the environment of the world will be more secure.

So Ramdhani feels proud of himself. Because he has been providing customers with a new style of comfortable shoes. Many have praised Ramadhani's father and his greatness by using his shoes.

This post was last modified on মার্চ ২৩, ২০২০ 11:29 pm

Staff reporter

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