Nowadays smartphones have made spying much easier

The Dhaka Times Desk Nowadays smartphones are not in the same condition as previous mobile phones. Now a smartphone means a device as powerful as a computer. Spying has become much easier thanks to these powerful smartphones. All the information of its users can be easily stolen through smartphone hacking.

Smartphones hacked with malware called rootkits can spy on users, researchers said. It can grab all the personal information of its users instantly. It is also now very easy to spread rootkit malware to smartphones via text messaging, usually using Bluetooth or GPS. With this rootkit malware, the hacker can also grab information about where the user is with his smartphone, where he has been recently, who has contacted whom, through GPS technology.

Nowadays mobile phone is a computer. There is a huge change in today's mobile phones compared to the mobile phones of 10 years ago. 10 years ago, people could not think of it, so now it is possible on mobile! Computers are usually hacked with spyware or malware software. But currently, all the information of the user is being smuggled through the use of such hacking software on smartphones as well.

Meanwhile, according to Snowden, who recently leaked America's intelligence information, the US government has used smartphones to spy on many people. Moreover, the Indian government is known to have direct access to the call records of customers recorded by the country's mobile operators.

Source: India Times.

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This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ১৬, ২০১৭ 11:08 pm


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