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The emotional tension of the hazy past and the action packed – thriller movie 'The Wolverine'!

The Dhaka Times Desk Good news for fans of Marvel Comics, 'The Wolverine' movie about the comic book mutant superhero has hit theaters.| Hugh Jackman is playing the role of a superhero in this movie, a sequel to the 2009 X-Men Origins: Wolverine.


Although he was introduced as Logan in the previous three films of the X-Men' series, in these movies Logan aka Wolverine is seen as rough, serious and even at odds with his peers.

This American superhero movie 'The Wolverine' was released on July 24 this year The movie is directed by 3:10 To Yoma Famous director James Mangold and wrote Mark Bomback And Scott Frank. Action and thriller 'The Wolverine' will see Wolverine and supervillains fighting in metal suits. Movie experts expect the movie to surpass the success of 'Man of Steel', 'Fast and Furious Six'.

Wolverine aka Logan is a 'mutant' born with sharp claws on his hands Mutants look exactly like humans but have the X-gene inside their bodies, which gives them superhuman powers. Six sharp claws protruded from his hands, made of an indestructible alloy called adamantium. Due to the presence of this metal in the body, Wolverine can heal its own wounds.


'Wolverine's Journey to Japan' is based on the comic by Marbles. Wolverine is forced to travel to Tokyo, Japan due to an assassin played by Yukio. Wolverine is emotionally and physically broken in this movie due to loneliness and the death of a friend. Yukio convinces Wolverine that he can release him from immortality so that he can die like a normal human. Meanwhile, Wolverine seeks to save Heiress Mariko, whose father was rescued from the bombing of Nagasaki during World War II. Due to his murky past, loneliness and mental weakness, Wolverine decides to run away, but there is no way! Mutant super villain Viper, the world is facing great damage! Now what will Wolverine do on his own or fight with these villains?

For answers to all these questions you have to watch this steamy action and thrilling package movie 'The Wolverine'. Played the role of Yukio in the movie Rila Fukushima, as Mariko That's Okameto, as Viper Khodchenkoya. The trailer, previews, reviews of the movie are much talked about and at the same time the coverage, criticism, discussion in the media world is revealing the commercial success of the movie.

Reference: The New York Times

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