The Dhaka Times
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Tamim-Ayesha couple on TV show for the first time

The Dhaka Times Desk Eid program with stars is not new in our country. But this time, the program with a new guest and so everyone is more interested. Cricket's groom Tamim's newly wedded wife Ayesha is coming to the TV program for the first time.


For the first time, one of the top cricket stars of Bangladesh Tamim Iqbal and his wife Ayesha Siddiqui will be seen in a TV program. On the occasion of Eid, the two of them were guests in Machranga Television's special program 'Chemistry'.

Presented by popular TV star Nausheen, the newly married couple talked about their likes, love, marriage and various aspects of married life. Through which many unknown facts and events have emerged. It also includes pictures of the golden moments of Tamim's career, friends, fellow players, teachers and mother.

It has been reported that the show is produced by Akbar Prasad Barua, written by Rumman Rashid Khan and planned by Kabir Bakul. This advance news of Tamim-Ayesha couple's TV show is showing a lot of excitement among cricket lovers. Source: Online

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