Categories: the economy

Counterfeit money is available in China's ATM booth!

The Dhaka Times Desk There is no end to problems in our ongoing life, one new problem is fake money in ATM booth. Since there is no proof in this case, the concerned bank does not want to take responsibility for the money after withdrawing the money. Recently, some students received fake money while withdrawing money at an ATM booth in China.

When a group of Japanese students in China withdraw 3,000 yuan from the ATM booth of a Chinese bank, they found several fake notes in these currencies! They quickly contacted the concerned bank authorities. The students complained to the bank authorities that they were given fake money from the ATM booth of the bank and it was a fraud, but the bank authorities rejected the complaint of the students and said that the bank will not take any responsibility.

It is mentioned here that the complainants withdrew their fake money from an ATM booth. Since there is no bank officer at the ATM booth, there is no one there to deal with the issue of fake money immediately, so the bank authorities refuse to take any responsibility regarding the subsequent withdrawal of fake money in this case.

However, this incident is only one example among numerous incidents, as recently there has been an alarming increase in cases of fake money being paid at ATM booths. Many customers will be cheated if the banks do not look into this matter now and take appropriate measures.

Source: The TechJournal.

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This post was last modified on জুলাই ৩১, ২০১৩ 9:57 am


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