Categories: general

Centennial Bibi Khatun begs!

The Dhaka Times Desk The news is small but the news of a wanted man. Instead of anointing the centenarian with respect and love, he is being neglected! And we have to read that news too. This centenarian named Bibi Khatun has till now Panini pension card.

It is known that Bibi Khatun, a 100-year-old resident of Nizhnanduali Bou Bazar area of Magura town area, has to reach out to people for rice twice a day. At this old age, he wandered from street to street for his rice and clothes, but no help or card came to his forehead. Bibi Khatun, wife of deceased Sona Mia, a resident of Nizhnanduali village in the municipal area, cannot walk due to her age. The only son could not feed him as he was poor. As a result, in his old age, he had to reach out to people for two meals a day. There is a government age allowance rule but Bibi Khatun has not received it till date.

Recently, Bibi Khatun of Syed Atar Ali Road in Magura town was seen sitting on the side of the road asking for help. This news was published in various national dailies. He also asks many for a cloth. Bibi Khatun's small demands are two handfuls of food for two meals and one cloth to wear.

Bibi Khatun has a very small demand. But our society is not able to meet that demand! Why should an elderly person like Bibi Khatun pay dharna for two handfuls of food? Can the state, society and this civilization respond?

This post was last modified on জুলাই ৩০, ২০১৩ 9:25 am

Staff reporter

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