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Research says that unmarried men are more at risk of corona!

The Dhaka Times Desk According to a study, low income, low level of education, unmarried and men born in lower middle income countries are more affected by corona. They are also at a higher risk of dying from the virus.

Recently, such information has emerged in a survey conducted by a group of researchers in Sweden. Study author Sven Drefahl from Stockholm University in Sweden noted that we can show that different risk factors also have distinct effects on the debate and news about Covid-19. The study was based on data from the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare, which observed people aged 20 and over in Sweden.

According to a report in the Times of India, Drefahl explained in a study published in the journal Nature Communications that men with lower income and education are more likely to develop the disease. The study found that a man's low income and low level of education were also risk factors for dying from Covid-19.

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Studies have shown that men are almost twice as likely to die from Covid-19 as women. Single men and women are also 1.5-2 times more likely to die from Covid-19 than those who are widowed/divorced. The reason given is that the way of life is chaotic in several cases.

Things to do to prevent Corona virus

# stay at home all the time.
# Follow the rules and use mask when going out for emergency.
# three-layer surgical mask can be washed if desired.
# wash clothes after coming home from outside. Or hang it without shaking for at least four hours.
# Wash hands thoroughly (for at least 20 seconds) with soap or liquid before coming outside.
# plastic PPE or eyes, mouth, head after single use

Of course it can be washed thoroughly with detergent and dried.
# Wear PPE made of cloth or clean as described.
# Use a head cap that completely covers the hair.
# Those who have sneeze cough should follow all the rules promulgated by the government. Also, wash hands as directed before and after handling food items, keys, switches, mice, remote controls, mobiles, watches, computer desks, TVs, etc. and after using the bathroom. Those who have dry hands use Moisture after washing their hands. Soap or hand liquid can be used. Why can this virus remain in the crackle (cracked part) of dry hands? Avoid using highly alkaline soaps or detergents.

This post was last modified on অক্টোবর ১৩, ২০২০ 10:59 am

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