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Inventing techniques to grow new teeth from urine!

The Dhaka Times Desk Urine stem cells can regrow lost teeth. Chinese researchers have developed a new technique to grow new teeth. The results of this research on the growth of primary teeth from urine have been published in the 'Journal of Cell Regeneration'.

developed new teeth

Chinese researchers have claimed that it is possible to grow primary teeth using urine as a source of stem cells. They believe that this innovation can be good news for those who have lost their teeth.

As people age and do not take care of their teeth, teeth fall out. Researchers have long been exploring techniques to grow new teeth using stem cells. Any type of tissue can be made using stem cells.

Researchers at China's Guangzhou Institute of Biomedicine and Health took urine as the primary basis of their research and created stem cells from it.

The researchers said that more research is needed in this regard. Only then will it be possible to proceed to the experimental stage. However, UK researchers have criticized this study of teeth growing from urine. They claim that teething research has been done from a source that is very poor to begin with. In a news report, BBC Online.

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