The Dhaka Times
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BNP warns government: 'Continuous strikes in October'

The Dhaka Times Desk Barrister Maudud Ahmed, a member of the BNP Standing Committee, has warned the government that there will be a continuous strike in October.

Moudud Ahmed

He said, 'We learned movement from Awami League. We will not go to their terrorist sit-in movement. We will block roads, railways and waterways across the country, go on strike and go on continuous strike in October.' He said this in an event at the National Press Club yesterday morning on August 2.

Barrister Maudud also said, 'Until the government fulfills our demands, we will continue our agitation. We will be on the streets till the last day.'

He further said, 'We want compromise, through compromise we will help to implement the outline of the government during the election period.

Under the chairmanship of Swadesh Manch president Mamunur Rashid Khan, BNP Chairperson's advisor Shamsuzzaman Dudu, Jubo Dal Vice President Farooq Ahmed and others spoke in the discussion meeting.

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