The Dhaka Times
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Rajuk is the best college in the country. Second is Narsingdi Kadir Mollah City College

The Dhaka Times Desk Rajuk Uttara Model College became the best college in the country in HSC examination 2013. On the other hand, Qadir Mollah City College of Narsingdi is in the second position.


In addition to the first second place, this time Vikarun Nisa School and College of the capital is in the third place. This information came to light yesterday after the results of HSC and equivalent examinations of 2013 were published. This time 74.30 percent students have passed.

Seven lakh 44 thousand 891 out of 10 lakh candidates have passed this year's HSC examination. 58 thousand 197 got GPA-5.

It should be noted that this year the highest pass percentage is 79.13 percent in Sylhet board. And the pass rate is lowest in Chittagong board at 61.22. In the rest of the boards, the pass rate is Rajshahi 77.79 percent, Dinajpur 71.98 percent, Barisal 71.69 percent, Jessore 67.49 percent, Kumilsna 61.29 percent, Chittagong 61.22 percent respectively. On the other hand, 91.49 percent have passed from Madrasa Board this year. On the other hand, the technical board pass rate of 2013 is 85.03 percent.

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