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61 railway coaches have been added to ensure Eid journey

Ishwardi representative Bangladesh Railway has added 61 coaches to ensure the journey of passengers ahead of Eid. This information was obtained from the source of Pakshi Railway Department.

It is known that on the occasion of Eid, 61 coaches (trains) have been repaired and handed over to Lalmonirhat and Pakshi Railway Divisions at Syedpur Railway Factory. This initiative has been taken to provide more services to homebound people during Eid.

According to local railway sources, 60 coaches were repaired at Syedpur factory on the occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr last year as well. Manzoor-ul-Alam Chowdhury, Divisional Supervisor (DS) of Syedpur Railway Factory told the media, "During Eid, the pressure on railways increases a lot. For that, the higher authorities set this factory a target of repairing 61 coaches this time. Out of these 38 are broad gauge (large) and 23 meter gauge (small) rail coaches. Our engineers and workers have been able to achieve this target in addition to regular production.'

Kazi Mohammad Omar Farooq, Railway Works Manager (WM) of Syedpur Railway Factory said that some workers work overtime to repair these coaches ahead of Eid. Despite all these constraints, the target was met in just two months. Mokchedul Momin, the trade union leader of the factory, said, 'It is good to think that the passengers are getting the opportunity to share the joy of Eid with their loved ones by traveling in our coach.'

According to the related sources, a total of 302 passenger coaches have been repaired in the last fiscal year 2012-13 as part of regular work in the country's largest Syedpur railway factory. Among them, 192 broad gauge and 110 meter gauge line coaches.

However, everyone concerned felt that this coach connection will play a big role so that the passengers can return to their homes smoothly this Eid.

This post was last modified on আগস্ট ৬, ২০১৩ 12:51 pm

Staff reporter

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