Categories: recipe

Recipe: Mutton Katchi Biryani

The Dhaka Times Desk Even today, Eid special mutton kacchi biryani is among the few Eid preparations. Hope these items will be useful for you this Eid.


  • # Khasi meat (1kg = 10 back) 2.5 kg
  • # Polar Rice 1250 (125 grams per person)
  • # potato 500 grams
  • # ghee 100 g
  • # Butter Oil 100 g
  • # soybean oil 200 g
  • # Onion Fried 10 g
  • # Ginger Bata 100 gms
  • # garlic paste 75 g
  • # Chilli Powder 10 g
  • # Cumin Powder 8 g
  • # Cinnamon Powder 6 g
  • # Large Cardamom Powder 2 g
  • # Cardamom, Jaiphal, Jayatri, Kebab Sugar Powder 10 gms
  • # sour yogurt 50 g
  • # Potato Bokhara
  • # Kichmich 10 g
  • # wood nut
  • # Mawa 5 g
  • # Keora St 2T
  • # Saffron 1/4 g
  • # Crushed Pistachios 8 g
  • # Testing Salt - Like salt content
  • # flour and charcoal are what it takes
  • Method:

    First wash the meat in water and drain the water. After pouring the meat into the pot, marinate it with all the spices and ingredients and cover the pot for a while. After boiling the rice in a separate bowl to 80 to 90%, drain the water and put it on the stove over the meat. The lid of the pot should be well pressed with flour. When the air escapes through the gap between the dough and the lid, light the charcoal on the lid and reduce the heat on the fire. In this way at least: two and a half to three hours should be kept on low heat on the stove. When the kacchi's ripe flavor comes, open the lid and check the middle of the pot with a stick to see if there is any water inside. If there is no water then it should be served hot. But remember that before taking the pot to the oven, lightly fry the potato in hot oil and put it on the meat and then add the rice.

    Recipe written by: Md. Shahadat Hossain, Spectra Convention Center, Dhaka.

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    This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ২৭, ২০২৩ 6:09 pm

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