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The world's first burger made of artificial meat

The Dhaka Times Desk Researchers have demonstrated the ability to create artificial meat in the laboratory. Bovine stem cells From this meat is made. Recently, food experts tasted the world's first artificial meat burger.

lab grown meat

As we know, a cell can divide and transform into multiple cells. All living cells divide. stem cells A type of cell that can transform into another cell. Can transform and produce more similar cells. Professor using stem cells Mark Post Created artificial meat. He and his research team specially created the tiny pieces of meat in the laboratory from the stem cells of a cow. He achieved this historic success after relentless testing at Maastricht University in the Netherlands.

However, this artificial meat burger was the center of attraction for many. It made history as the first artificial meat burger. The 142 gram burger was tested by food experts in front of an eager audience. Many thought that there might be negative comments about the burger. But everyone was surprised by the opinion of food experts. An expert says, food ingredients are placed in the right proportion in the burger. Australian food expert Hanni Ruetzler That said, I was expecting artificial meat to be smoother and softer. But it has no fat. He also said that although the taste of artificial meat is close to real meat, the taste is not as interesting. A little more salt and pepper might enhance the taste.

The discovery could be good news for animal lovers and vegetarians. It costs about 2 crore 60 lakhs in Bangladeshi taka to make the burger. The researchers said they wanted to show that we can make edible meat and that it will be much more environmentally friendly. They claim that this meat is safe and will help meet the natural meat needs of millions of people.

Analysts believe that if artificial meat can be produced and used as a substitute for meat, it will be good Scientist post It is hoped that within the next 20 years, the commercial production of artificial meat can begin But the invention of artificial meat has sparked a new debate. People should eat natural food and not synthetic artificial food – this question has divided many. Now it remains to be seen where the debate and research leads.

References: CNET, TechCrunch

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