Categories: health talk

Excessive junk food addiction can cause insomnia

The Dhaka Times Desk Peaceful sleep is essential for human peace of mind, but if that sleep is disturbed due to eating habits, it becomes an unexpected issue. A recent UC Berkeley study found that eating too much junk food can lead to insomnia and health problems.

High tech functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) A team of researchers at UC Berkeley conducted a special study on 23 adults, in which they tested their brains in two ways: first after a night of restful sleep, and then after a night of junk food and fast food. After that, they examined their brains. Research shows that eating junk food has caused more or less sleep disturbances in all. As food, 23 subjects were given fruits like apples, carrots, and strawberries on the first day, and on the next day they were given high-calorie foods like burgers and lobster.

UC Berkeley psychology professor Matthew Walkler said, "People usually use their brains to make any decision, but in people who don't get enough sleep at night, the brain has to speed up to make decisions, in which case the brain can't work properly. Consuming high calorie foods or junk food disrupts people's regular sleep, and also makes people unhealthy and obese.

Matthew Walkler also said, “Previous studies on this topic have shown that the main cause of sleep deprivation is eating too much salt and sugar! But the current study adds new dimensions to earlier ideas!”

However, this UC Berkeley study found that lack of sleep impairs decision-making, and that junk food is one of the causes of sleeplessness. It is not only because of more sleep that people become obese, but eating junk food instead of eating healthy food increases obesity as well as your sleeplessness.

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Source: UC Berkeley News Center.

This post was last modified on জুন ১৯, ২০২২ 3:16 pm


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