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A miniature replica of the Mona Lisa, one-third the width of a hair

The Dhaka Times Desk The famous 16th century painting Mona Lisa Who does not know? No other picture in the history of painting has been so discussed and famous. This painting is probably the most frequently painted version in the world. Recently, researchers Nano technology created the smallest replica of the Mona Lisa using


Mona Lisa painting by Leonardo da Vinci He painted during the European Renaissance. Mona Lisa's intriguing smile that later gave rise to many questions and debates are still ongoing. A group of researchers from the Georgia Institute of Technology in the United States created the smallest replica of the Mona Lisa using an atomic microscope. The size of the replica of Mona Lisa is only 30 Micron Which is only one third of the width of a human hair. The replica is therefore not visible to the naked eye.

According to the research team, no brushes, brushes or pencils were used in the copying process. Instead, reprinting is accomplished chemically through a new process called Thermo Chemical NanoLithography (TCNL). Interestingly, one pixel of the miniature painting has a size of 125 nanometer. The new method developed can be used in various fields in the future. Nanoelectronics will be very useful in experiments in bioengineering and not just photo-replicating. About the replicating process of painting and new methods invented Langmuir Published in periodicals.


References: Fox News

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