Categories: general

The office-court has opened. Attendance is low

The Dhaka Times Desk After Eid, the office-court opened today. But attendance is very low. This 3-day holiday started from last August 8 on the occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr.

Even today, the streets of the capital are completely empty. In the morning, some cars are seen moving, but after the afternoon, the road is completely empty. Because the office has started after the official holiday, many have not returned to Dhaka yet. This is the first time in the last few years that the Eid holiday falls within the official weekend. In the past few years, the weekend was reduced to a full week off before or after the Eid holiday. But this time there is an exception. Only Thursday falls within the Eid holiday. Moreover, the remaining two days are stuck in the weekend. Due to which the office-court officials and employees had to return to Dhaka in a very short time. Besides, Jamaat-e-Islami is also on strike. So many have come back in a hurry. Also, before Eid, especially those who did not buy tickets in advance, they spent Eid in Dhaka instead of going home.

All in all Eid holidays and people from home started coming to the capital from yesterday. Those who did not come yesterday will arrive today. The capital will become a sensation again. However, it is expected that the office-court work will start completely next Sunday.

This post was last modified on আগস্ট ১১, ২০১৩ 11:59 am

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