Categories: international news

The Prime Minister of Norway is a taxi driver for a day!

The Dhaka Times Desk Norway's head of state Jens Stoltenberg Created a different example! He works in this different religion to know the position and advice of Norwegian citizens on government and politics and travels like an ordinary taxi driver on the streets of Oslo, the capital of Norway.

About this Jens Stoltenberg He said he wanted to know what the people want from his government and what the voters of Norway think about him in the next election! He found it ideal to travel the streets of Norway in the guise of an ordinary car driver to get the real opinions and views of the people.

Stoltenberg used sunglasses and the uniform of Oslo street taxi drivers to impersonate a taxi driver. At first he started talking to all the passengers in disguise and revealed his real identity only when he was sure about the location of the passengers. He recorded all the conversations between him and the passengers on a hidden camera.

The video footage of the interaction with the passengers was recently published on the Norwegian Prime Minister's Facebook page and it is said that the footage will be broadcast in the Norwegian national election campaign to be held in September.

নরওয়ের মিডিয়াকে প্রধানমন্ত্রী বলেন, “জনগন আমার বিষয়ে কি ভাবছে তা আমার জানা প্রয়োজন। এবং রাজনীতি এবং সরকার বিষয়ে জনগন সবচেয়ে বেশী আলাপ করে যেখানে তা হচ্ছে ট্যাক্সি! ফলে আমি ট্যাক্সি কেই বেছে নিয়েছি।”

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Seeing the head of state of Norway driving a taxi, one of the passengers had a different opinion. Some told the driver you look like our President Stoltenberg in a way! After being introduced, another passenger said he was very lucky because a head of state was driving him to his destination!

Speaking to the public, the president found out that he is still popular in Norway, but he has fallen far behind the political opposition in the electoral field. He has to move forward focusing on the election.

Source: BBC News.

This post was last modified on জুন ৭, ২০২৩ 12:01 pm


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