The Dhaka Times Desk. It is important to change the diet to stay healthy. Especially those over the age of 40 should change their diet.
You may think that you are eating protein and healthy food. But you need to see the benefits and harms of that food. After getting old, many of us want to go back to our old life. But just being nostalgic will not do. You can hold back the age if you want. And that formula is hidden in your daily food list.
First of all, you need to add protein foods to your daily diet. Non-vegetarians should focus on vegetables apart from chicken, eggs and sea fish. Add non-fat milk, lassi and peanut butter to regular vegetables.
At the age of 35, bacteria attack the stomach lining. It causes slow digestion and stomach bloating. This condition is caused by consuming dairy products or probiotic foods. So avoid these.
Dry skin increases with age. Oil glands become smaller due to lack of natural moisturizers. As a result, roughness and wrinkles appear on the skin. So eat a balanced diet. Among vegetables, you can eat potassium and zinc rich beans, bean sprouts. You can cut large cabbages, berries, palm fruits, pears and almonds. These fruits help a lot in keeping the skin youthful.
Between any meal we eat light food. Which helps us lose weight by creating calories. Therefore, light food such as ice cream, chips, chocolate should be reduced between meals. But fruits can be eaten instead.
When we say vegetables, we lose consciousness in the reservoir of guna. But not all react the same. Any dark leafy greens help prevent bone loss and improve eyesight. The presence of antioxidants in carrots and tomatoes helps prevent aging stress. However, the most effective anti-aging foods are foods containing vitamin C. Source:
This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ১০, ২০২৪ 1:59 pm
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