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Justin Bieber's song composed by Michael Jackson has been leaked

The Dhaka Times Desk Michael Jackson Means is a different madness, and if there is added Justin Bieber – but it will surely create extreme enthusiasm among the fans. Recently, Justin Bieber's vocals to a song composed by Michael Jackson before his death have been leaked on the internet.


The leaked song was first aired on Capital FM on 16 August. First the song was available online, then Bieber took to his official tweet to say that he sang the song and that something significant is about to happen. Michael Jackson is sitting at the bar, but this time he's not here to sing, but to listen.


Another notable news among Justin Bieber's news is that he accepted the marriage proposal of one of his little fans, put a ring on her and kissed his little fan. It should be noted that the name of the child Justin kisses is Annalisa Brown. The child is 8 years old and has a complicated liver disease.

Source: Entertainment Twice

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