The Dhaka Times Desk Recently, researchers reported a new information! They said that the caffeine in tea coffee is particularly beneficial for liver disease in the human body!
Health scientists found in a study that the caffeine in tea and coffee, that is, if four cups of tea and coffee can be drunk every day, then the risk of liver-related diseases of the person is reduced in many parts or those who have non-alcoholic liver disease (NAFLD) contains the caffeine in tea coffee that is particularly beneficial in their case.
There are many patients who do not drink alcohol and have a lot of excess fat in their liver, as a result of which these patients develop various health complications. Medicines often do not work to reduce these complications. In this case, exercise and diet change are the only ways. So, based on the results found in this new study, if caffeine has a special role in this, then it is certainly good news for patients who suffer from liver complications.
Professor Paul Yen, a member of the research team, said: "This is the first study on the role of caffeine in liver lipids, and the results we have found are truly remarkable. Coffee and tea are easily available soft drinks until now where everyone was thinking that coffee and tea are harmful to human body, today in our research we have been able to prove that drinking tea as much as coffee can reduce liver problems.
Since drinking tea and coffee causes various problems in the body, various studies have been coming up for a long time, as reported by The Dhaka Times in a report a few days ago. Drinking more than 4 cups of coffee increases the risk of death!
However, another report shows the benefits of coffee as “Drinking coffee reduces the risk of suicide!
Source: Medical News Today
This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ১০, ২০২৪ 12:44 pm
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